SELECT C.ID,C.Code,C.Description,C.Categories,C.VoucherType,C.URL,C.StartDate,C.EndDate,M.MerchantID,M.MerchantName,M.ImageURL,M.DisplayURL FROM merchants M,merchantcodes C INNER JOIN ( SELECT 'sss%' Col UNION SELECT '%Girls'%' UNION SELECT '%Clothes%' ) List ON C.Categories LIKE List.Col WHERE M.MerchantID=C.MerchantID AND Now() Between C.StartDate and C.EndDate GROUP BY C.ID Order By List.Col LIMIT 50
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' ) List ON C.Categories LIKE List.Col WHERE M.MerchantID=C.MerchantID AND Now()' at line 1